So, the final-overfinal, the most final CONFERENCE of humanitarian specialisation - 2004 happened.
There the one can hear and see (quotation of programm): "Groove presentation. Smart lectures. Wize lectures. Beatiful lecturesess.
And it is naturally that we, leaders of the club's computer graphic page, are most interested in groove presentations.
Here they are:

Brand's life and death

Presentations - Kirill Yakovlev
Report- Julie Martinson

Brand - is a very actual theme, is't it?
Author of the project considers, that brand, as a man, lives, growes older and, in the end of the end dies. And if you take a good care of brand, you can prolong it's life.



Che Gevara. Life after death.

Presentation - Timophey Levanov
Report - Nikolai Dvorjankin

Che Gevara - the last revolutioner, last romantic or just an advertising gimmick, face on the t-shirt? How many legends and myths are connected with this name!
Two works about Che Gevara are quite unlike each other. If kolja prefers to follow facts strictly, then Anja is attracted mainly by legends about Che, passing from man to man. In her tale he transforms from such an "Iron Felix" into the living human being.



Myphs'bout Che Gevara

Presentation - Nikita Kazitsin
Report - Ann Zurabiany



"Looking for the Strawberry Fields", or a truth'bout John Lennon.

Presentation - Georgij Mazurkevitch
Report - Ivan Strelkin

John Lennon - is a man-legend. Hundreds of thousands of books are written about his creative work, there are no blind spots left in his biography. But Vanja decided to take a look at Lennon's life with "unusual angle". Only verses can help us to understand the poet's soul, only the music can open the musician's heart. Only songs will tell us "the truth about John Lennon"- about his dreams, what did he long for, what made him suffer.
Listen, think,feel…




Thinker and driver

Presentation - Vladimir Volkov
Report- Ivan Strelkin

How do you think, what is just necessary for the company's sucess? Specialists are united about this question - personnel motivation. But how can the personnel high motivation can be ackieved? What are the existing motivation theories? Which of them are mostly applicable on practice? Highly motivated Ivan Strelkin tries to find it out.




1968's revolution ideas

Presentation - Igor Semenov, Igor Hazratkulov
Report- Natalija Malceva, Janna Tarabrina

Over half a century has already passed, but "the very" sixties continue to disturb our imagination. We still listen THOSE music (really, all modern rock came out of "Doors" , "Beatles" and "Rolling Stones"), still the famous motto "Drugs, Sex and Rock'n Roll" known by everybody…
And what else do we know about 60s youth? What did they fight for, against what did they revolt, what did they want? Natasha and Janna tried to answer these complicated questions in their work.